Gioia Tauro today gives its name to the floor where there is at the mouth of Petrace, once said Metauro. The Plan itself was called before, that in the sixteenth century, the Plains of Seminara Seminara important as it was then. Prior to that, to the thirteenth century, was called the Plains of San Martino, a country that today is located at the geographic center of the plain, but has no particular importance. If necessary, I will be more accurate. For now I am interested in setting the goal at Gioia Tauro, which is distinguished by being near Palm an industrial and commercial center, and Palmi has grown mainly on offices and the Court. Gioia Tauro is now also known for the port. He says the biggest in the Mediterranean and on which are founded great hopes for development. For now, it's worse than if it were a fenced military area. A tourist can not make. Understandable security reasons and no one is offended. I myself once I was able to visit with some friends inside. The gate was open. We entered. No one has said anything, but it was no longer possible to renew the visit. Vessels entering that PIAs are largest in the world and the traffic is to land the goods in smaller vessels that can go into smaller ports. The location of the port of Gioia Tauro after intricate events was favored by the nature of the seabed of the coast purple: after a few feet are sinking, For here is not like a swimmer on the Adriatic, to sink into the water where you have to walk a lot. Here if you do not swim, you go down after just a few meters. For this reason we have built here rather than elsewhere Porto. To say the port of Gioia Tauro, however, is not the same as saying the port of Hamburg, or the like, where there is a big business. Here it seems to me that ordinary people are crumbs economic impact on the territory. But hope for the future is great.
I have no particular knowledge of Gioia Tauro, which is nine kilometers from Seminara. Seminara From there you reach the little traffic, but because of the scenic Ponte Vecchio, or passing through the electrode and by Palmi turning the state, where there is a limit of thirty miles, which I am one of the few to comply. On this road he died my aunt, who was run over by a car at eighty.
The following photos are a random mix of pictures taken in my visits to Joy. The same picture over time can be divided into sections with suitable titles. For now be satisfied.
1. The Farm Family Albonico.

Now that I have a car to go more often Gioia Tauro, usually to find My friend Camillo Albonico, that the Macintosh is better than me and whose support I use often, being able to solve otherwise insoluble problems, as when he is able to retrieve data from your hard drive that was broken. To go to Joy Seminara I preferred the way of the Ponte Vecchio, which leads me directly to Camillo. The road as I said the scenery is pleasant to meet. It goes down. Seminara is in its highest point, Barritteri, at the height of Mount St. Elias, I believe more than 500 meters above sea level. The village square at 280 meters and going to the Joy Pontevecchio descend sea level. We in the place, with a little parochial hatred, we are saying conurbation that if we must do, is that we must do it with Gioia Tauro, for economic reasons. If the port take off, giving rise to the creation of companies, the ideal space for their location should be on the way of the Ponte Vecchio. But that is another matter, somewhat futuristic.
2. Albonico Company. Photo 2.

Albonico's family want to tell a good story, but for which I lack the necessary literary talent. If I were a Thomas Mann would be to get a good novel Buddenbrooks, but without the sadness that characterizes it. But I hope that I am going to tell the story is an inspiration to someone else more capable than me. The family Albonico has operated for at least a century, from father to son, on the premises that are seen in the first six photos a great company for carpentry and building materials. The front door is written in big law Labin. From the photo is no good, but next time I will make a close with the words. The company was the first in its field and has ceased trading around 1994. By profession my friend Camille was a teacher, now retired, but I do not think he worked in the company, if not occasionally. It 's a chartered accountant. In one hundred years of history of things have happened there and who knows how many we could tell. To me it is a particularly impressed that he told briefly, leaving undefined details, if any were needed.
What happened was that the Austrian supplier of timber had erred in its damage in the delivery of the company thrived. Mind you: a mistake that he could not complain if it was ever noticed. The economic value was of some significance. If, however, noticed one of Albonico, not the founder dell'azienza, but his son, meaning father of Camillo. Without hesitation Albonico father in Austria sent a check as payment for goods received more. And that in itself would be enough to close the story. But it did not end there. The Austrian would never cash the check. Why? He needed to be able to present at any meeting or meetings with his fellow Germans to flag as an example of honesty I can not remember all equal in his career. Beautiful and moving story that has, however, further follow-up. For advertising, unwanted and not premeditated, Albonico happened to the family did not need any kind of credentials every time they had supplies in Austria. Albonico The name alone was a guarantee of honesty. As they say in advertising: the name was enough. Unfortunately, there are the letters that here we would like to tell a hundred years of family history Albonico, which ceased its activities around 1994, perhaps because such honesty and fairness are not the norm nowadays undisputed and undisputable.
3. Company Albonico Photo 3.

4. Albonico Company. Photo 4.


6. Albonico Company. Photo 6.

7. Road.

8. Church of the Immaculate Conception.

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