Thursday, October 19, 2006

Answers To Ap Bio Lab 4

Palmi: an old house with vintage photos Seminara

At the risk of attracting the animosity of Palmesi I can not refrain from drawing a sketch of a historical past that local historians attempt to alter, avert, resize. Even in the seventeenth century Palmi, said in the papers of the time "Earth", was a Casale di Seminara, along with four other Casali: Sant'Anna, Barritteri, Pesola, Sant'Opalo. The last two are missing and if they have lost their memory. Barritteri and Ann are still fractions of seminars with Barritteri that a certain development, while the rest of the territory is in sharp decline. Palmi has been removed from workshops starting in the seventeenth century and over time has developed a rivalry that has left its mark even today. To my knowledge, there an accurate description of the historical process of separation. Being able to reconstruct exactly how things went might be interesting and useful. But rather an unfortunate parochialism brings local products to ignore gender in the descent from the ancient past seminars directly Taureana and beyond.

As for the present time I find regrettable the gradual depopulation of the inner, where people converge on Palm, where they grow property values \u200b\u200band create congestion which make Palms a pretentious little town that has lost those file typical of small centers where it could be more pleasant to live and the quality of life, if politicians and local administrators were all'all'altezza of their task, creating the necessary synergies and abandoning the municipal stupid selfishness. But here we touch the Calabrian policy, for which I have designed a special blog.

Here instead intends to offer a selection of miscellaneous images nature subject to sections then move on to monographs.



















It refers to the railway station of Calabria and Basilicata. A system of railcars traveling at reduced speed on narrow gauge track joined Gioia Tauro to Sinopoli, passing by Palmi. E 'remained active this is just some connection between Palmi and Joy. The tracks from Palmi to Sinopoli are abandoned and are covered with leaves and earth, if not entirely usurped. With rail and elsewhere back in vogue has been replaced by road transport with the problems that entails. "Progress" in Calabria is the reverse. The other question is from Gioia Tauro to Cinquefrondi. If I have read and if I remember correctly, in the initial design it was planned to circulate a communication system. The track is unique and since I can remember has never been increased. There was a slow and gradual termination of service.



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