Saturday, July 4, 2009

Banned Yugioh Cards 2010


Palazzo Chigi spent for institutional messages (free of charge, by statute, on Rai) in the first quarter of 2008 € 932,000. In the first quarter of 2009 has "only" tripled this figure rises to an impressive 3,137,000 euto. This figure has been directed towards the private TV.
Now it is true that there would be no need to pay private networks for institutional advertising messages, as the national networks is at no cost, but to allow a plurality of information is right that these messages are also displayed in private networks, possible to spend more public money wisely. But our
Italy is always the 'except in full, and so we find that economic and financial crisis the government tripled the cost for your information messages, and this only during the first quarter of 2009. It will be interesting to have the entire annual cost, but wait until the end of 2009.
But, my dear friends, not all!
Want to know what are the three private networks that have sent more messages Palazzo Chigi? But it is obvious: the Group's networks Mediaset: Canale 5, Italia 1, Rete 4.
The Berlusconi family group (excluding the patriarch Silvio) earned, of € 3,137,000, € 2,915,000 well, as follows:
  • 2,126,000 € 536,000 for Channel 5
  • Italy for a € 253,000 €
  • for Rete 4
Of course, this will pass unnoticed in the eyes of taxpayers.
But it's just me thinking about a conflict of interest? I hope not ...


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